Sunday, August 3, 2014

Meet the Neocons: Our Criminal Government

It is well known to the people's of the rest of the world that the reason for America's success is not due to it's ideology of "exceptionalism", but due to it's ridiculous military superiority. It started with WWII. According to Eisenhower, the atomic bomb was not necessary...

"...the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing." 

Near the end of WWII, the US intentionally went forward with nuclear warfar despite the fact that the Soviets were ready to invade Japan, and it was almost guaranteed that Japan would surrendered immediately. They knew they'd loose, and wanted their Emperor to live. But the bomb proved victorious for the US in other ways. We arrogantly thought that our 'atomic monopoly' would last forever, and we would lead the world, without question. That was dangerous thinking, and the world almost ended in October of 1963. If JFK were not in office during that time, it's possible that a nuclear WWIII would have commenced. Kennedy refused to listen to the old, victory-pride ridden WWII hardasses and did not strike Cuba or the Soviets, but reached a diplomatic solution, preventing an all-out nuclear war.

Kennedy was a figure of hope for many, but the neoconservative seeds had been planted long before he arrived, and many believe Kennedy was killed for his new resolve to stop the madness of the war monglers, and lead the world with peace. He even encouraged America to work together with the Soviets, instead of competing in the space-race. He wanted to withdraw from Vietnam. Both the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and even the chilling 'War on Terrorism' may not have happened. After all, the Arabs we've been spending trillions fighting since 2001 were the same guys the US backed to defeat the Soviets in the Cold War. Few seem to remember that. When JFK was shot, the reigns were passed back to the neocons. LBJ and Nixon inflicted a holocaust on the Vietnamese people. The history books do not read this, because we won (well, in all the ways that mattered to us anyway). What do you think we would have been taught in school, had the Nazis succeeded in taking over the world, and won the war? With military bases in hundreds of countries and the ability to be anywhere in 10 minutes, American omnipresence and domination could be argued as existent. Regan was a maniac as well, terrorizing South America and backing dictators in countries like Guatamala. He even ripped the solar panels off the Whitehouse as some sort of 'fuck you' to environmentalists. But the faces my generation is most familiar with are...  

Bush. All of the Bush's were probably the worst thing to ever happen to America. George W.'s grandpa, Prescott Bush, owned a Nazi bank. Although J. Edgar Hoover discovered this in the 50's, the press completely ignored it, and you'd be hard pressed to find someone on the street who knows this today. Prescott helped Hitler rise to power and got away with it. George Bush (the first) had heavy ties to the CIA, which actually made it illegal for him to become president. Thus the CIA now achieved its goal of running the country, completely. The seeds of the cancerous Iraq war were planted, but America would not see it's true nightmare until George W. Bush took office. It was not even a nightmare for me, it was more like a fantasy that could never happen here. But in retrospect I remember these years very clearly. We were all so dangerously naive.

Whether or not you believe 9/11 was an inside job is irrelevant to the the fact that our government has committed atrocious crimes against humanity, that honestly are no better than the Nazi tactics that we have always strongly demonized, and depicted in the movies. Bush maniacally constructed a false reality, either by allowing, and then over-blowing, or simply inventing a global terrorist threat. Hidden behind the image of Christianity and what I'll call Texas American kick-ass syndrome, he deceived America, but not the world as he allowed Darth Dick Cheney to pull all the military strings and wage a ridiculous war on not so much a group of 'freedom hating' radical Islamics, but a tactic of gorilla warfar, nothing more. It had no true face, and could be anyone, anywhere, forever-more. We know that Cheney, just before 9/11 bought tons of stock in Halliburton, one of the same conglomerates that profited during the drawn out Vietnam war. He made hundreds of millions of dollars, although lost a lot of it in some scandal I can't remember, but still left the whitehouse with over $40 million prophits from his shameful war. Bush preached the gospel, Cheney gave him the devil. America was fooled, and the Middle East went to hell. Many of our civil rights were undermined with the insulting Patriot Act.

Despite Saddam having nothing to do with 9/11, Bush wanted to invade Iraq because Afghanistan isn't really an ideal place for a 'theatre war', of which the neocons outlined fighting and winning several of during the first Bush administration, as a front for 'rebuilding America's defences'. Talk of a 'new Pearl Harbor' event was even mentioned, as well as Bush's blatant admission of intent to incite a new world order. George W. Bush and Cheney ruled ruthlessly, and to the world's horror, Bush was re-elected in 2004. All of Europe asked "How could that many millions of people be so dumb?" The only answer I can give them is that ignorance can be lethal, and sometimes, even in America, it's possible to steal two elections. But by the time Bush was leaving office, his true nature was emerging as his approval ratings reached the lowest of any president, ever. America was forever stained as just another nation that got too powerful, and started torturing people. Obama actually acknowleged this, today.
Then in 2008 with the election of the change-promising, young, and charismatic Obama, our country took a big breather. I know I did. Bush was gone. I thought this president just might save us, and with the maniac Hilter equalivalent of America Neoconservative Bush gone, the future seemed brighter. Perhaps this is how Americans felt after JFK got elected.

Obama campaigned on ending all the madness that Bush started. Closing Gitmo, repealing the Patriot Act, blah blah you can read all this on my previous blogs, but he quickly turned into a disappointment. Although to his credit he got us out of Iraq, it probably won't matter, because as soon as we left, Iraq fell apart, and we've already started to pour troops and money into it again. I would like to believe that the covert warfare that Obama is currently and has been constantly involved in is just him trying to extinguish Bush's Frankenstein monster, but to my most sincere sadness, I know better than that. Either Obama does not have not the guts to stand up the Neocons, like Kennedy did, for fear of suffering a similar fate, or he was corrupted by them as well, contaminating any hope of the Democratic party delivering us from evil. (With the exception of perhaps an unlikely win in 2016 by someone like Bernie Sanders.) I will seriously leave this country if Hillary Clinton wins in 2016. That would be the last nail in coffin, along with the drop into the pit, considering she backed all of Bush and Obama's insane war tactics. Things like turning countries like Somalia into battle grounds to exploit by arming warlords and selling them guns. Our country now sells 78% of the worlds arms. They spy on our own people, and even ally countries like Germany, we condemn and jail white-blowers, and we torture. We created the terrorist threat the exists today, simply by imagining it into existence. If you kill enough innocent people, if you drop enough bombs, well... what the hell do you expect? What started as a farce could very well end the way Bush said it would if he did not do what he did to make it happen. Yes, only in America... home of the brave and the masters of war.

But I want peace. If that is to be achieved, our country need to wake up and acknowledge, peacefully, as a whole, this demon. Perhaps the history books could read that America, with it's incorruptible values and love of freedom overcame the Neocon Agenda incepted by Bush, and once more liberated the world from the threat of dominance, death, and sure destruction. We can't afford for the alternative to happen if our children are going to stand a chance. For the first time in our history, my generation will be less successfully than my parents. The financial deregulation by Clinton and Bush, and the rise of Wallstreet have stolen much opportunity from us. I admit, we have a seriously grim looking challenge ahead of us, but please do not simply submit to the Neocons and bury your head in the sand. Remember why America was founded to begin with, and for God's sake... stay vigilant.

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